【受賞作品紹介 Introduction Award-winning work】
JIWI Autumn Masterpieces Internet Exhibition 2020
At the “20th International Watercolor Exchange Exhibition” in June this year, due to the problems caused by the new coronavirus, a new form of exhibition was needed. For the first time, we held an online exhibition that will display all works from overseas using digital data. Following this, Japan International Watercolor Institute has decided to hold an online exhibition in spring and autumn every year and just this November, we held the Japan International Watercolor Institute’s Online Exhibition of selected excellent works. The exhibition was exceptional. There were so many wonderful works from all over the world, and painters and watercolor lovers who are active in the watercolor painting world. Out of a total of 2308 entries, 441 were selected. We are also scheduled to hold a spring exhibition in April 2021.
学校法人新潟国際藝術学院、佐渡国際教育学院、(公財)新潟市国際交流協会、(株)佐渡汽船、 佐渡国際美術館
~ Chairman Award 会長賞 ~
Ada Florek(POLAND)からのコメント
“I’m very honored that my painting “Pears” received the “President Award” in the “Online International Watercolour Exhibition of Excellent Painting Autumn, 2020″, organised by Japan International Watercolour Institute. It’s a privilege to be recognized among so many amazing and talented watercolor artists from all over the world. Thank you to Fuyu AZUMA for the selection of my work. Many thanks to the board and staff of JIWI for including my watercolor in this year’s exhibition.”
会長 東富有からのコメント
The enjoyment of life is conveyed through a simple work theme. The composition of the work, the color balance, and the expression of the texture are good. From the work, You can feel the preciousness and happiness of everyday life in Corona.
~ Audience Award オーディエンス賞 ~
Kevin MC Su(New Zealand)のコメント
Snow Monkey雪猴是我很喜歡的題材,兩次前去長野縣就為了能貼近牠們的生活環境,幸福的猴兒有溫泉可泡,即使積雪甚高,依舊逍遙自在玩耍追逐。很意外得到諸位觀眾的好評,很高興能與同好分享交流水彩畫的趣味。